There was a time when only the most high-end commercial and industrial builds were finished to a standard that included good looking landscaping and street furniture. These days we have come to expect more and there is a clear demand for retail, office and industrial premises to be well appointed in this regard. With that in mind, consider looking to Killeshal for Durable Elegant Street Seating.
Ah, summer evenings, out in the garden with friends and a glass of your favourite tipple, and a Schiedel Garden Fireplace from KPC to keep you warm as the evening cools down. After all, we don’t exactly have hot climate. Sounds idyllic? Read on.
The best thing about getting to March is the realisation that the worst of Winter chills are behind us and brighter, warmer days are ahead. That means people out enjoying the better weather together. Taking a stroll through the town or the parks and taking a pause here and there to just enjoy being out. It’s time to get those public spaces ready and talk to Killeshal about Quality Street Furniture.
We have surely reached the point where we realise that we all need to take steps to add more green or eco-friendly thinking into our daily lives. Increasing numbers of commuters and those looking for a healthier lifestyle are taking to cycling to do just that. That increases the demand for bicycle parking and fortunately KPC have a comprehensive Cycle Stands Range ready to fit any budget or location type.
We have been trying to let everyone know that KPC provides so much more than just precast concrete components, but we are so well known for our concrete products that it’s easy to miss our other lines, like Stainless Steel Bollards… and these elegant, durable bollards should not be missed! Also available as Lockable/Removable.
Convert existing paving to Tactile Paving with Tactile Paving Studs and Strips from KPC UK.
Tactile Paving Studs and Strips allow existing paving to be converted to safer, inclusive Tactile Paving, alerting those with visual impairments to potential hazards like steps and platforms or pedestrian crossings. KPC have been supplying tactile paving for quite some time, but we also offer Tactile Paving Studs and Strips as a solution for retro-fitting into existing paving. Continue reading
Grass Blocks have seen a marked increase in popularity and demand over the last couple of years and there is good reason for this; at a time where we are becoming increasingly aware of impacting upon the environment and needing to cope with often considerable amounts of surface water, Low Profile Grass Blocks are the ideal solution. Continue reading
Window Sill Maintenance is probably not the first thing to mind with any property owner making a maintenance to-do list, but caring for your window sills is an essential part of your property maintenance plan. These three “watch-outs” could save you from some potentially expensive repairs. Continue reading
I had a discussion recently about a previous blog post on precast concrete Wall Coping where I compared wall caps to lapels on a suit jacket. A friend said that he hadn’t really thought of them that way before, to which I responded with a question, “Well, how much consideration do you normally give to wall coping.”
The answer didn’t surprise me, wall cap selection was frequently not more than an afterthought, but they really should be considered as a much more significant part of any project as they are one of the first things noticed (sub-consciously or otherwise) on any property. Continue reading
There are buildings which suit an ultra-minimalist design aesthetic, with long and unbroken lines. But I’ve always thought that if a building doesn’t have a few particular finishing touches… well it just seems a little under-dressed and incomplete. Among those finishing touches for me are Windows Sills. Continue reading